Monday, February 6, 2012

2012 Tuition Schedule - Fully booked

Dear parents and students,
Thank you for your continuous support. All my slots for 2012 are taken up. Please contact me in November 2012 if you are interested to engage my services in 2013. In addition, if you are an overseas student who wishes to take the AEIS exams by the MOE, or the IELTS exams by the British Council of Singapore, you may contact me for morning lessons from 10am - 2pm.

课程表已经满。有意2013年补习学生,2012年11月与我联系此外,海外学生希望参加今年新加坡教育部考试 (AEIS)英国文化协会雅思(IELTS)联系,安排上午的课(10am - 2pm)